
School by Specialisation

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Browse Ordinarys in Mooiriver area of the Kwa-Zulu Natal

Browse Ordinarys in the Mooiriver area of the Western Cape. You can view the Ordinarys of Mooiriver by reviewing the summary of schools below. By clicking on the school name you will be able to view the detailed description. You can also view all schools in Mooiriver from the left menu or view them by specialisation field from the same menu.
Location: Change Phase - Change Province - Change City/Town - Mooiriver

Ordinarys to browse in Mooiriver
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
Ai Kajee PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Barkston Ash POakspringPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Birdspruit PMooiriverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Bruntville PMooiriver BruntvillePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Carshalton PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Dabulamanzi CombinedMooi RiverCombined SchoolOrdinary
Doornkloof IntermediateMooi RiverCombined SchoolOrdinary
Eminyezaneni SMooi RiverSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Hlanzeni PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ilanga PMooiriverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Kilmore PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Kwacubela IntermediateMooi RiverCombined SchoolOrdinary
Lakhanyilanga PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Middelrus PKruisfontein FarmPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Middlefield PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mooi River PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mpofanyana PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Onverwag CombinedReitvleiCombined SchoolOrdinary
Robin PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Scottsfontein PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Sibonokuhle PRosettaPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Sisizakele P (037004)Mooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Tauricus CombinedReitvleiCombined SchoolOrdinary
Tendela CombinedMooi RiverCombined SchoolOrdinary
The Grove IntermediateMooi RiverCombined SchoolOrdinary
Trenython PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Treverton CollegeMooi RiverSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Vrystaat PMooi RiverPrimary SchoolOrdinary

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