Secondary School

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Browse Secondary Schools in Bloemfontein

Browse Secondary Schools in the Bloemfontein area of the Western Cape. You can view the Secondary Schools of Bloemfontein by reviewing the summary of schools below. By clicking on the school name you will be able to view the detailed description. You can also view all schools in Bloemfontein from the left menu or view them by specialisation field from the same menu.
Location: Change Phase - Change Province - Change City/Town - Bloemfontein

Secondary Schools to browse in Bloemfontein
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
Accelerated Christian College SisLinquindaSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Atlehang SsRocklandsSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Bloemfontein SsBayswater RuralSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Bloemfontein South High SsFleurdalSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Brebner SsBayswaterSecondary SchoolOrdinary
C&n Hmeisieskool OranjeArboretumSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Calculus Bloemfontein SisOos-eindeSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Commtech CssMangaungSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Dr Blok SsHeidedalSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Eunice SsPark WestSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Fichardtpark SsFichardt ParkSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Grey-kollege SsPark WestSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Headstart High SisHamiltonSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Heatherdale CssHeidedalSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Hodisa TsRocklandsSecondary SchoolTechnical
Hts Louis BothaWillowsSecondary SchoolTechnical
Ikaelelo SsRocklandsSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Jim Fouché SsGardenia ParkSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Kaelang SsRocklandsSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Kagisho CssPhahamengSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Kerdon's Academy IisWaverleySecondary SchoolOrdinary
Kopanong SsChris HaniSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Lekhulong SsRocklandsSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Lereko SsRocklandsSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Moemedi SsRocklandsSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Navalsig CssNaval HillSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Petunia SsHeidedalSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Sand Du Plessis SsHospitaalparkSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Sehunelo SsBathoSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Sentraal SsDan PienaarSecondary SchoolOrdinary
St Bernards SsBochabelaSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Tsoseletso SsBlomandaSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Vulamasango SsRocklandsSecondary SchoolOrdinary

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