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Browse Schools in Zeerust at School4SA

The south African city of Zeerust has 33 schools all suburbs and townships. You can review the schools summary below or for a full prifule on any school you can click on the links below. To refine the results by specialisation or by phase please use the links to you right-hand side to view the results.
Current Location:
Choose Province - Choose City in Kwa-Zulu Natal - Zeerust
Nearby Areas:
Rustenburg - Madikwe - Saulspoort - Mogwase - Moseskotane - Swartklip - - Mabeskraal - Suncity - Modimosana

Schools to browse in Zeerust
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
BotlhaleZeerust RuralIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Fetogang Abet CentreBorakalaloCombined SchoolComprehensive
Glen Alice PrimaryZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Henryville Primary SchoolHenryvillePrimary SchoolComprehensive
Hoërskool ZeerustZeerustIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Ikageleng High SchoolIkagelengSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Kleins Simonsvlei PrimaryKleinsimonsvleiPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Laerskool ZeerustZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Majabe Primary SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Malebelele Primary SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Manoane Primary SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Manogelo Primary SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Maphepane Primary SchoolZeerustIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Maruapula SecondaryZeerustSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Mashwelwa Primary SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Mhapha Public SchoolIkagelengPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Mokgakala High SchoolZeerustSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Mokutong PrimaryZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Moswana Moiloa Middle SchoolZeerustIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Mpolokang High SchoolMoshana VillageSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Ntlatsang Middlebare SchoolZeerustIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Nyetse Combined SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Phakedi Secondary SchoolZeerustSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Phalalo Farm SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Ramokgethwa Primary SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Regopoleng Primary SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Sebako Middle SchoolZeerust RuralIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Sefatlhane Primary SchoolIkagelengPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Sesamotho Primary SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Tlhaole Secondary SchoolZeerust RuralIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Tlhomeso Primary SchoolZeerust RuralPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Tshwaragano Primary SchoolZeerust RuralPrimary SchoolComprehensive
Zeerust Primary SchoolZeerustPrimary SchoolComprehensive

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Open Hours

Monday - Friday:
9am - 4pm
Saturday - Sunday: