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Browse Schools in Barberton at School4SA

The south African city of Barberton has 27 schools all suburbs and townships. You can review the schools summary below or for a full prifule on any school you can click on the links below. To refine the results by specialisation or by phase please use the links to you right-hand side to view the results.
Current Location:
Choose Province - Choose City in Kwa-Zulu Natal - Barberton
Nearby Areas:
Umjindi - Noordkaap

Schools to browse in Barberton
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
Amon Nkosi Primary SchoolExtention 12Primary SchoolTo Be Updated
Barberton AcademyBarbertonPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Barberton Combined SchoolBarbertonCombined SchoolOrdinary
Chief Funwako Secondary SchoolEmjindini TrustSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Dixie Primary SchoolSingle QuartersPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ekhiyeni Primary SchoolSingle QuartersPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ekucathuzeni Primary SchoolKwamholaPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Emjindini Secondary SchoolKwamholaSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Entsabeni Primary SchoolJosefsdalPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Fairview Primary SchoolSingle QuartersPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Gs Preparatory SchoolBarbertonPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Gateway Christian Combined SchoolBarbertonCombined SchoolOrdinary
Gladdespruit Primary SchoolBadplaasPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Glenthorpe Primary SchoolSingle QuartersCombined SchoolOrdinary
Hoërskool BarbertonBarbertonSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Kaapvallei Primary SchoolBarbertonPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Kamhola Secondary SchoolPhumulaSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Khanyisa Primary SchoolSingle QuartersPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Khanyisile Primary SchoolSingle QuartersPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Laerskool BarbertonBarbertonPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Little Angel Primary SchoolSingle QuartersPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mhola Primary SchoolPhumulaPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Moodies Primary SchoolSingle QuartersPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mountain View SchoolBarbertonCombined SchoolOrdinary
Ngwane Primary SchoolEmjindini Squatter CampCombined SchoolOrdinary
Sikhutsele Primary SchoolEmjindini Squatter CampCombined SchoolOrdinary
Sinqobile Primary SchoolMatsuluPrimary SchoolOrdinary

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Open Hours

Monday - Friday:
9am - 4pm
Saturday - Sunday: