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Browse Schools in Richards Bay at School4SA

The south African city of Richards Bay has 32 schools all suburbs and townships. You can review the schools summary below or for a full prifule on any school you can click on the links below. To refine the results by specialisation or by phase please use the links to you right-hand side to view the results.
Current Location:
Choose Province - Choose City in Gauteng - Richards Bay
Nearby Areas:
Empangeni - Esikhawini - Kwadlangezwa - Umhlathuze - Felixton - Kwadlangezuma - Mhnathuze - Kwambonambi - Empangenirail - Mtunzini

Schools to browse in Richards Bay
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
Amandosi PsEsikhawiniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Aquadene SAquadeneSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Arboretum PArboretumPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Bay PBrackenhamPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Bhejane PWild En WeidePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Brackenham PBrackenhamPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Emankwathini PKwambonambiPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Exhaphozini PEsikhawiniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Floraton PAquadenePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Gubhethuka PEsikhawiniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Gwejobomvu Junior SEnseleniIntermediate SchoolOrdinary
Hluma Js (richards Bay)Wild En WeideSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Hoerskool RichardsbaaiArboretumSecondary SchoolOrdinary
John Ross CollegeArboretumSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Kati PRichardsbay Airport RdPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Lizwi SWild En WeideSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Mjabuliseni SEsikhawiniSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Mkhobosa PEsikhawiniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mntokhona PPort DunfordPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Nsiwa PEmpangeniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ntabeni PReservePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Richardia PArboretumPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Richards Bay ChristianVeld En VleiCombined SchoolOrdinary
Richards Bay PMeerenseePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Richards Bay SBrackenhamSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Sinaye PEnseleniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Sitholinhlanhla PMeereenseePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Somopho PEmpangeniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Tehillah Christian SchoolEsikhawiniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Tholokuhle SEnseleniSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Tisand Technical HEskhawiniSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Veldenvlei PVeldenvleiPrimary SchoolOrdinary

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Monday - Friday:
9am - 4pm
Saturday - Sunday: